Friday, September 21, 2012

Offhanded References to Anorexia.

Mentions of Anorexia without directly mentioning the disease in TV shows and people's conversations has really become a problem. It may cause other's to wish to be Anorexic, since the people that say things about it like it's no big deal are always very pretty and thin.

Such as Pretty Little Liars. In one episode, Mona (one of the main character's friends) says to Hanna "So while I was eating three almonds a day, you were getting Liposuction?"

This comment angered me so much, almost enough to stop watching the show. One reason is that Mona, pictures below, is very thin and pretty. So in people's mind, it will say that eating very little works and does not cause any adverse effects.

Also, such an offhanded response will encourage people to dissociate eating very little, with anorexia, a disease. It will cause them to think it less of a damaging thing, and more of a 'cool' thing to do. References like this one will undoubtedly cause already vulnerable teens to think twice about eating. I don't think it should be allowed television shows to make such callous remarks to an eating disorder and not even give it a name or give any warning against it. 

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